Every time we are born on Earth, we learn afresh the various worldly activities such as walking, talking, pursuing academic studies or a career etc. When it comes to spiritual understanding and growth, we start where we left off in our previous lifetime. Our deeds and spiritual practice done in previous lifetimes, either on Earth and/or in other subtle regions of the Universe, pre-decide the major events of our current life and the happiness and unhappiness we are due to experience. This is known as our destiny and in current times it makes up 65% of our lives. Refer to the article on, ‘What is destiny and wilful action?’
When people enjoy tremendous worldly success or happiness, it is generally due to merits from a previous lifetime. Worldly success does not raise any eye-brows from a spiritual standpoint. However, when a person pledges to donate a substantial amount of his fortune along with his complete time to help the world, it does raise interest from a spiritual standpoint. There are very few people who are able to walk away from their wealth and also devote their time to help society. It is for this reason the Spiritual Science Research Foundation proceeded to find out through spiritual research, the contributing factors