Best Financial Planning:Help you to make durable long-term decisions that are based on comprehensive lifetime projections that incorporate all of your expected lifetime income, expenses, debts, asset returns, and investment costs. Automatically handle all the sophisticated computations for you in the background, so that you can focus on your financial decision making. Develop fully personalized projections for you that automatically incorporate all of your taxes, including US federal, state, and local income taxes and deductions, property taxes, short-term and long-term capital gains taxes, Social Security taxes, and Medicare taxes. Let you change any assumption or any data, and then present all of your personal projection scenarios in clear, logical graphics and data tables.Completely integrate directions, explanations, and user documentation right where they are needed in your home finance software.Enable you to take control of your own personal financial planning and your personal investment management destiny.Easily and automatically integrate all of your financial objectives into a single comprehensive financial plan covering your entire life cycle.Help you make better informed financial decisions using your particular financial situation and your expectations about the future.Let you revise your complete plan automatically and instantaneously, allowing you to quickly evaluate decisions about how to increase your wealth and enhance your financial freedom.