More and more women are seeking to undergo removal of unwanted hair via laser treatment. The primary benefit to this approach is that it offers a long-term solution to the problem of unwanted hair. With hair removal methods like waxing and shaving, there is regrowth after the hair is removed. With laser treatment, the heat from the laser is used to ruin the follicle, thus preventing regrowth from occurring.after having unwanted hair removed via laser treatment, some women report minor swelling and redness. There may also be some crusting of the skin and mild stinging. If this occurs, petroleum jelly may be used for soothing and moisturizing the region that has been treated. In most cases, however, there is little or no redness. Modern lasers get the job done with virtually no discomfort.Keep in mind that
the hair that has been treated won't be shed immediately after your session.It can sometimes take up to two weeks for the hair to fall out. You'll be able to get back to your normal schedule right away, with one caveat: Exposure to direct sunlight is to be avoided. It's advised that you use a sunscreen with a high sun-protection facto