Network marketing is merely to provide goods and services to customers. unlike traditional business.the retail "middle men" are replaced by distributor networks. the profit into the pockets of Tiens independent Distributors in stead of retails.Network marking is based on "word of mount" and any business that produces high quality products recognizes th power of this of way of promotiont. here is no need to advertise in Network marketing ,instead, this money is used to produce better quality product for the same price.To understand how effective word of mouth is thinkof the last time you purchased something that you really liked a piece of clothing ot jewellery, some furniture or perhaps a new car. you probably brought it up in conversation with your friends. you may even have told then where to purchase fact, we promote other people's business every day with out getting paid for it. at Tiens, we have simply taken the word of mouth process and attached a reward to it if a sale simply by sharing the products and business benefits with your friends, you could be on your way to earn what might become , a very substantial income.The Tiens system is the easiest for you: Modern technology is a fantastic tool in the right hands and Tiens has put in place automated systems that make your life a whole lot easier. Tiens does all for you. This will leave yo free to concentrate on sponsoring new Distributors to your network and through the combined sales of your organization; you can build the kind of income you need to fulfill you dreams.