way of having Financial Freedom

"Financial freedom" A lot like beauty (or fear for that matter) - it is in the eye of the beholder. It is a state of mind that plagues modern society, a concept of the modern rush for more. In the process, we lose track of what is really important, we lose track of the simple things in life, we lose all perspective on what it is to be fully alive in the here and now.

If you have been or are, at any stage, caught in the trap of worrying about your finances, you have lost sight of reality - you are being tricked by your "personality" which, generally speaking, conceives success in comparative and competitive terms. People who have said to me "I've lost all my money" or "We're running out of money" simply do not realise that, in the here and now, generally speaking, not only do that want for nothing but, in fact, they have more than enough to live a wonderful life - right here, right now.

More importantly, they've missed the point in terms of achieving greater financial wellbeing. If you're worried about money, money worries is what you'll get. Remember how the universe works? Energy in : energy out. If you're obsessed with achieving financial freedom, it's a bit like trying to give up cigarettes - you'll be so focused on your finances you'll forget to do the important things that need to be whole-heartedly done to achieve that freedom.

See the point I'm making? You need to stop focusing on money and start focusing exclusively on what you're supposed to be doing - on what really needs doing - in the present moment - whatever that task is. If you make more than 1% sure (remember, normal people only put 1% energy into what they're doing) that the really important things get done to the very best of your ability, then money actually flows. It's that simple. I've seen it happen - my clients have seen it happen - there are loads of examples that graphically illustrate how easy it is on my website.


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