In a city where you can drink a beer for 20 CZK, and eat a good meal for under 100 CZK, it's easy to live comfortably while always having the essentials. It's when you step outside of the necessity department, however, that your money begins to slip away exponentially, leaving you in the pub with tattered jeans and a belly full of greasy food. That's not the worst thing in the world, but jobs and/or dates don't often find these to be the most charming qualities. To the bemusement of many, the clothes in Prague are just as expensive, if not more so, than in most Western countries. While shopping in Prague isn't always easy or cheap, it's possible to find some good deals, and stylish attire that's worth sacrificing a little pivo money for. WENCESLAS SQUAREWith trendy stores continuing to crop up on Wenceslas Square and in Prague's malls, you can't swing an H&M bag without hitting another popular chain -- or H&M. The major department stores are always easy to locate, and handy for finding the basic staples for your wardrobe. The shopping area in Wenceslas Square is basically an over-sized outdoor mall, with all the shopping giants within arms reach -- Marks & Spencer, Zara, Diesel, Benetton... The square is a nice way to go because not only are you right in the heart of the city but the stores are generally a bit larger than the stores in the malls; which means wider selections of new lines, and sale racks that aren't quite so picked over. From Spain, Mango is a popular favorite. There are options for stylish garments if you want to spend some cash, but there are numerous rows of items on sale as well. Located on Na Příkopě, Mango is a hip store for women, with an abundance of styles to choose from. The spacious interior is adorned with chandeliers, high ceilings, and patient boyfriends. As mentioned above, a popular choice for many is the trusty and never-disappointing Swedish company H&M. Around Wenceslas Square alone, there are two. The first is located on the square itself and caters to a younger crowd. Just down the street, on Na Příkopě, you'll find the sister store, which has clothes geared more toward the working crowd. Both stores provide for men and women, and the latter has children's clothes as well. What H&M stores are good for are their sale racks and trendy styles. What it's not so good for is anonymity. Just as you were excited to find that striped tank top for 400 CZK, so were about 20 other shoppers, as you'll discover when you strut your new purchase.